WordPress is a very powerful and free CMS system with thousands of themes and plugins available to customize a site and turn a site into a fully functional eCommerce system.  I’ve been developing and providing support in wordpress and php for over 3 years.  I’ve also customized and built plugins for clients.    I love working on wordpress sites as I find it one of the easiest systems to learn and develop on.  It’s also support widely mainly by its user community.

If you have a wordpress site that you require amendments to or are thinking about using wordpress to facilitate your online presence, please get in touch to discuss your requirements where I can offer a bespoke FREE quotation.

My Plugins

Raffle Ticket Generator – I created this plugin for a client.  Basically the plugin is a fully customizable plugin that allows the administrator to create a live raffle draw on their site.  The tickets are then displayed on a page via a shortcode, that are then selectable by the user.  The means users can select their own tickets.  Once selected, tickets are then placed in a Paypal cart then passed to checked.   Once all tickets are bought, the administrator can then run the raffle to draw a random number from the tickets that have been purchased.

If you would like to purchase this plugin please get in touch..